Excellence in a Cecchetti Examination
Submitted by Karla Harris
As I was looking through my many papers involving Cecchetti ballet exams, I found
some interesting and valuable material. The following phrases are taken from written
material I've saved over the years.
Thoughts on practice for exams:
- Posture - alignment ... from the side and front
- Positions of the feet, theory of the feet
- Turn out - from the hip
- Hips square - shoulders and ribs
- Inner lift - centered
- Straight legs ... must feel stretched legs at hip, knee, ankle & through the body
- Pointed toes ... stretched insteps, stretched toes
- Positions of the arms ... curve of the arms ... three hollows of the arms
- Movements in dancing
- Points of the practice room
- Focus
- Learn to think for yourself - make your own mistakes
- Set goals ... achievements - progression
- Translations of French terms
- What does it mean to "apply your theory?"
What are some of the values of working on an exam?
- To develop self discipline
- To learn how to work towards specific goals
- To learn organized procedures
- To learn patience and to realize it takes many hours to achieve your goals
- To work for the finer details, which create excellence in the final result
Knowing and striving for the many details required on an exam, the dancer will have
an experience of great value for her/his study in other subjects as well.
Grade I Necessities
Submitted by Connie Lawrence
Posture, posture, poise and more posture are of utmost importance for Grade 1 candidates.
If you haven't taught your students how to enter the room...stand in first position, with
impeccable alignment, placement, turnout, posture and presence...go back to your
Manual* and look, study and teach them again.
They need to be told and taught that a bun is standard protocol; that pink tights
(without runs or holes), black leotards and confidence are mandatory. You can't fake technique
and you're not going to fool the examiners with your personality and award-winning smile.
But that's why we love it, isn't it? It's discipline, it's hard work and you can't pretend
to be graceful without the time, patience and guidance from your Cecchetti ballet teacher/coach.
*Manual - A Manual of the Theory and Practice of Classical Theatrical Dancing
(Cecchetti Method) by Cyril W. Beaumont and Stanislas Idzikowski
Tips for Stunning Student Exams
Submitted by Tammy Sreniawski
- Arrive early. Warming up is essential.
- Dress neatly as if the exam were a performance.
- Be respectful of the examiners. Do not speak during the exam session
unless the examiner directs a question to you. When answering, speak clearly.
- Know your theory. Review and quiz your classmates well before the exam session.
- Be able to answer questions like: What is ballet? Who was Enrico Cecchetti?
- Listen carefully to the examiners' directions during the exam session.
- Thank your teacher once you pass your exam.